Dear Bottles, In Thy Names!!!

pic. source: google
Hey! We rip you off every time,
Your slender curve on the top,
And think that we’re drenched
In a mood of whim and whimper a top.

Enduring patiently every burden –
Of fiery anger, tragic tears,
Mourning moments, churning hours –
Thee art the easy martyrs.

The happiest ripen sun on the zenith,
Manicuring dancing clouds,
That shy moon every bright night out,
Have glorified thy company.

Breeze. Oh! Dear genteel guest,
When you cozily enroll to share,
The intoxicating fragrance,
Usual, the moment pleases, not a rare.

Dearly we do measure your shape,
In the cup we inherit, and pour into
You nude your colors through the edges,
Half you are filled, half you call into.

Ere the cups are held into the air!
Tossing them in the name of wealth and notions,
Remaining space, you immediately embrace
Smiles, tears and charging with burning emotions.

Lucidly ironic! Dear bottles, we are,
As you are emptied, we are filled in,
You lose thyself, we earn instead,
Contrary though, the relations martyrs build in.

Solitary or social, let any the cause be,
Martyr you are – Grecian or not the jar
You dry in mouths, swollen the hearts be,
Thrown you – grown us, we stand afar!!

Finally, be it Copenhagen or in Minsk,
We ingloriously glorify you under the sink,
Swaying the curves – of body and talks –
In a wild trance, morrow to rest and think.

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